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M E Z Z O - S O P R A N O


American mezzo-soprano Stephanie Feigenbaum has appeared with opera companies and orchestras across the country in diverse repertoire ranging from Baroque opera to new music. This season she appears as Novizia in Suor Angelica with Heartland Opera Theatre, and in concerts with various New York City groups, featuring the U.S. Premiere of Trilogia Textil by Gabriel Senanes with pianist John Cuk. She has debuted roles in numerous World and American Premieres over the last few seasons, including works by Dove, Bedford, and Glass. An alumna of the Chautauqua Opera, Opera Saratoga, and Indianapolis Opera Young Artist Programs, Ms. Feigenbaum currently makes her home in Manhattan. Click below for full bio.

M E D I A 

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"Stephanie Feigenbaum, for example, brought considerable character delineation to the Suora Zelatrice, making her policing role in the community credible and nuanced."

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